Sunday, January 29, 2012

15 Seconds of Bravery

It seems that football consumes my life anymore. I found it almost laughable when I found that I could use being the photographer for my brothers game to my advantage. Though, if I was already going to be there, with a camera, and I knew what I needed to do, I might as well! Plus, I was given access to the field this last game, making it all the better.
What I chose to do is take the images of a passing play to show what can happen in a matter of probably 10-15 seconds. I saw the play in front of me and just snapped the shutter as quickly as I could, moving the lens along with the play, careful to line up the horizon line each time to allow an easy progression of time within the mind.
Really, there's nothing fancy, just a fast shutter speed, 1/400, large aperture, f/5, simple alignment within Photoshop and brave boys who are passionate about football.

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