Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Haylee Schiavo

The Road, by Cormac McCarthy. For my project I wanted to achieve two things: simplicity juxtaposed with complexity. The design is simple, with silhouettes of a gun and two people. The color scheme is simple, but I think it is successful in the aesthetic appeal. The complexity is found in the meaning behind the imagery of the book cover. For example, the gun is a major symbol in the novel. It not only suggests murder and chaos, but it reaches a further meaning that is presented more so towards the end of the novel. The man and the son are the two main characters. They also represent a more important concept that is suggested in the novel that questions at what point it life lacks its purpose. In general each of the symbols on the cover represents this deeper meaning, and the color scheme represents the chaos in the novel in contrast with the simplicity of emotions that are arisen. The novel is simple and yet it is complex, just like the book cover. I did my best in presenting this message. Also, the lines, to create the road, lead your eye to the title, which gives the sense of an obstacle in which the two figures on the bottom are going to face in the novel. That is the main message I wanted to achieve.

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