Monday, February 14, 2011

Haylee Schiavo final project

In attempt to capture the idea of time and space, I portrayed the same girl on the bike rack in multiple different places. Instead of portraying time differently by altering the space or perspective I shot it at, I decided to get the same idea across by altering the position and location of the girl there. The point is to show her different mood and personality as time moved on. It can also represent the idea of time simply because she is sitting on a bike, which is ironically unable to move. I did a lot of editing on this project. There was a bunch of white blocks/pillars on the brick wall in the background that I completely removed. I edited the color, while ensuring that each one of the characters were at the same shade/value/tone. In addition, I had to cut and paste my friend into the picture each time. I also added a slight vignette to the edges to draw the viewer's attention towards the middle.

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