Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Health and Saftey Module

It is now required that all 100 level classes pass a Health and Safety Module. To begin, you must enroll in the Blackboard 9 website. A “task” will be sent to your myasu account, follow the prompts to self enroll; proceed with watching the video and taking the related quiz. You must pass with an 80% to receive credit. You must repeat the test in additional CORE classes until you receive a 100%. When you achieve a 100% you will be exempt for taking the quiz again and instructed on how to take a screen
capture to maintain a record of your accomplishment. Please note that this in an introduction to safety at ASU and other training sessions will be required in upper division classes as necessary for the studio you will be working in under faculty supervision. So, even though some of the material covered in this module may not seem immediately important it WILL become important as you matriculate though your BFA program.

1. Students must enroll in BB9
2. From the Bb homepage, click the COURSES tab
3. Type "SOA" into the Course Search box on the upper left

4. The Health and Safety module is ~3rd from top. Click the Course ID link.
5. Immediately, they're asked if they want to enroll in this course. 

6. Bingo. Self-enrollment done. Proceed with task.
7. To take a screen capture hold apple+shift+3, listen for the shutter sound. (This takes a picture of the screen, a .png file, and places it on your desktop. You may print this and prove to me that got 100%. Be sure to take snapshot before you close the score page, as you will not be able to access it again)

ASU Safety Procedures (take responsibility for your health and safety!)

Due date: Jan 26

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