Monday, February 20, 2012

The Girl Who Played With Fire - A.Kesweder

I chose to remake the cover of "The Girl Who Played With Fire" by Stieg Larsson. The original cover is just an orange with a light/fire element swirled across the cover, really giving no interest to the novel. I chose to show a girl, but vectorized her, removing the color and many key features that could really personalize the woman. Doing this still gave mystery to her but added interest. I then added the fire element to the side of her face, implying that the fire and her would soon intertwine in an important manner. I haven't read the novel so my intuitions could be true but very well may not be.

Books, books, books, books, books - Champion

      A book cover designer I am not. I had quite the number of ideas for book covers, but not the necessary skills required to complete designs. So instead, this rather simplistic design is used. The book itself deals with the adventure of a single particular grim reaper. Although the story somewhat follows the premise of the show "Dead Like Me", it's change is that death begins to communicate with the world. At first it's a communication about the ceasing of death due to complaints. Then, the return of death with quixotical fore tellings. All the while, death plucks away at her typewriter to communicate with the outside world.
    The image is created with the font Old Typewriter and a picture of an old typewriter. The original book can be found here: Click me!

The Stand, By Stephen King

I chose the book The Stand by Stephen King, I thought it would be interesting to try something a bit simpler, as his covers are usually pretty detailed. I used to threshold tool for the hands and face. Since they were separate things, it was hard for me to get the person to look anatomically correct.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fun with Vectors! - Champion

To be honest, I have no idea how to create abstract art with much purpose. So, instead, I played around until it became an abstraction of non-sense. The two halves are inverted reflections of each other regarding the color, with the letters themselves being warped mirror images...sort of. The middle shape was mostly because it looked empty. Sorry - no real deep thought in this one. :-\